The Butte College Distance Ed Committee (DEC) is a standing committee of the BC Academic Senate.
Students looking for information about online classes should go to:
Distance Ed Coordinator, Chair - Suzanne Wakim
Dean of Instruction - Carrie Monlux (Dean of Student Learning)
Instructional Technology Specialists - Chris Palmarini, Dave Stephens
Administrative Assistant - Jennifer Haney
Associated Students - Vacant
Financial Aid Liaison - Mariela Rivera
Faculty Members:
The DE Committee is an open committee and welcomes visitors. If you would like to join the DE committee, please contact the DE Coordinator, Suzanne Wakim (
Note: Due to the Brown Act of 1953, we are no longer allowed to meet via Zoom. My apologies for the decreased inclusivity required by this legislation. We will attempt to convert a few of these dates to forums so that everyone (regardless of their ability to travel) can provide input.
Meeting dates are below