辅导员在这里支持你的学术之旅. 辅导员可以在三个校区为学生提供帮助:主校区, 奇科中心, 以及奥兰多的格伦中心!
10分钟快速上门服务(仅限虚拟服务) 会否先到先得. This service is 最好的 for questions about repeating courses; adding/dropping classes; selecting classes; 和 pre-requisite questions. 按照此处的登录说明操作.
日期:周一、周三 时间:上午10点至下午12点
Click on the + 了解更多信息 和 to access the links to make your appointment.
If you need help selecting the appointment that works 最好的 for you, use this guide: 如何选择你的预约.
除了一般咨询,我们还提供专业咨询. 从下面列出的组中选择进行预约.
顺便来接受快速咨询! 辅导员可以和你见面 10分钟 在一个 按先 基础的 手机或Zoom. 特快专递是为 当前的学生 和 新的和回归的 (于出席前超过24小时递交申请).)
按照下面列出的说明进行注册. Drop-in availability is always subject to change 和 hours may be extended during registration periods.
什么 可以 在快速进站期间完成?
什么 不能 在快速进站期间完成? 这些服务需要充分预约.
如果你参加一个虚拟的快速访问,但需要一个完整的预约, 辅导员会要求你安排一个30分钟或60分钟的预约. 学生可以在网站上预约30分钟或60分钟的预约, 或致电前台(530)895-2378.
步骤1 -在工作时间内, 使用您的比特学院学生邮箱和密码登录Express Drop-in. 链接将只在每次会话时激活.
步骤2 ——选择 候诊室
步骤3 ——选择 表达dropin 从会议原因列表中.
步骤4 - Update Cell Phone number if necessary- This is especially important if you opt for a phone session.
步骤5 —选择您喜欢的会议类型 视频约会 or 电话预约 然后单击Continue.
步骤6 - Remain on the 页面 until your link appears or you receive a call from your Counselor. *Please do not leave or refresh your 页面, this will cause you to lose your position in line.
*If you selected a Phone Session you will be receiving a call from a blocked number. 请确保您能够接听被屏蔽的电话.
Once your 表达dropin session is completed, the counselor will end your 会议.
如果由于任何原因你不能参加可用的日子和 点击这里预约咨询 或致电(530)895-2378与我们联系预约.
Counselors 可以 help you find the right level of classes 和 assist you in designing a short- or long-term educational plan.继续学习和回国的学生可以在学术问题上得到帮助, 计划毕业或转学, 并接受一般的学术指导.
约会完全开放 提前一个日历周.
同样的一天 任命 上午8点营业周一至周四多为,.
办公地点:SAS 134主校区
如需电话预约,请致电 530-895-2378,星期一至四:上午8时至下午4时30分 & 星期五:上午8时至11:30.
如需申请复读课程,请到 表达dropin 会议 或致电530-895-2378.
转学咨询中心 (TCC) provides counseling 和 transitional services to all students wishing to attend a four-year college or university. Emphasis is placed on making Butte students the highest priority for admission by focusing services 和 programs on major selecti在一个nd four-year university specific 需求.
办公地点:SAS 110主校区.
体育咨询 为新员工提供帮助, 在各个领域继续和返回的学生运动员, 包括教育规划, 学术问题, 计划毕业或转学, 并提供一般的学术指导. 参观 体育咨询网站 了解更多信息,包括上门服务时间.
约会完全开放 提前两个日历周.
体育办公室地点:主校区,WLR 101
如需预约,请访问咨询中心 & 位于SAS 134的咨询办公室
星期一至星期四:上午8时至下午5时 & 星期五:上午8:15 - 11:30.
同时与巴特-格伦社区学院合作, the Office of 退伍军人服务 strives to ensure a positive 和 rewarding experience for all veteran 和 dependent students. Our goal is to provide the 最好的 possible service 和 guidance to help our veterans 和 their dependents achieve their educational goals. 参观 退伍军人服务网站 了解更多信息.
不断上升的学者 is a resource for formerly incarcerated 和 system impacted students (those who have experienced the effects of incarceration). 我们鼓励恢复性司法和囚犯维权联盟加入. 此外,冉冉升起的学者有一个专门的顾问.
咨询 和 advising provides international students with the services 和 support needed to be successful at E世博ESBALL 和 long-term educational goals. 国际学生有专门的辅导员. 参观 国际学生网站 了解更多信息.
预约地点:SAS 134
The Puente Project at Butte College is a learning community focused on supporting students from educationally underrepresented backgrounds through the process of transferring from E世博ESBALL to four-year colleges 和 universities. Puente students develop a strong support system through the relationships they build with peers, 教员/员工, 以及社区导师. 普恩特的学生有一位专门的辅导员. 今天预约!
有兴趣加入普恩特计划? 填妥此兴趣表格: 学生兴趣表格
已经有了学生教育计划? 复习推荐课程!
需要你以前的学生教育计划的复印件? 电子邮件 counseling@ecopeat-abstractsubmission.com 从你的E世博ESBALL的邮件. 请附上您的姓名、学号和您的要求.
还没见过律师? 想想你的学业目标!
证书s of Achievement (CA) 和 证书s (CERT) 证书 of Achievement (CA) are designed to provide students with a specific skill set or mastery of a body of knowledge to enter skilled employment or as a developmental milestone toward entry into specific careers. 证书s (under 18 units) are often used as building blocks to larger programs such as 证书 of Achievement (18+ units) or Degree (major 需求 plus general education). Gainful Employment Disclosure information is included with individual 职业生涯 和 Technical Education certificate of achievement programs in this catalog
本地副学士AA/ASE世博ESBALL本地通用电气模式. The Associate in Arts (AA) 和 Associate in Science (AS) Degrees offered by E世博ESBALL are designed to facilitate transfer to a four year institution, 满足社区需求或直接服务于职业需求. 要获得这两个学位,学生必须完成E世博ESBALL本地通用电气模式. AA和AS学位也可能包含证书.
转学副学士 AA-T/AS-T CSU GE Pattern or IGETC GE Pattern E世博ESBALL offers associate degrees for transfer to the CSU system. 这些学位旨在为学生提供一个清晰的, 无缝衔接到科罗拉多州立大学专业和学士学位. 学生s completing these degrees are guaranteed admission with junior st和ing in the CSU system with priority consideration given to admission into the CSU Chico campus in a program that is deemed similar to the completed degree. Note that this guarantee does not guarantee admission to a specific CSU campus; it guarantees admission to the CSU system. 学生s who have been awarded an AA-T or AS-T are able to complete their remaining 需求 for the 120-unit baccalaureate degree within 60 semester or 90 quarter units. 学生s are encouraged to meet with a counselor to review their options for transfer 和 to develop a comprehensive student educational plan that 最好的 meets their transfer goals
As a new student, seeing a counselor is probably the most important thing you 可以 do. 我们的辅导员可以帮助你找到合适的课程水平, 并帮助你设计一个短期或长期的教育计划. 继续学习和回国的学生可以在学术问题上得到帮助, 计划毕业或转学, 并接受一般的学术指导.
对于新生和在读学生, 咨询师使用职业和学术概况(CAP), 以前的学术经历, 和生活经历来帮助选择课程. 即使你的目标不明确,我们也会帮助你. 我们还可以帮助您更好地利用与您的目标相关的在线研究工具.
We 可以 listen 和 direct you to E世博ESBALL's many support services 和 community resources. Our Counselors are skilled at assisting students with a variety of concerns which affect their educational success.
The Butte 咨询 Department full-time 和 part-time faculty 和 staff assist our students in three different locations: The Main campus, 奇科中心, 以及奥兰多的格伦中心. 我们所有的咨询师都是“通才”,虽然我们也有专门针对国际学生的辅导员, 退伍军人, 培养青年, 学生运动员人数.
残疾学生计划和服务(DSPS) -主校区SAS 238
延长就业机会计划和服务 -主校区SAS 281
激励学者计划 -主校区mc121
办公地点:SAS 134(1楼)
星期一至星期四:上午8时.- 4:30 pm
星期五:上午8点. - 11:30 am
Para servicio en 西班牙语, haga su cita con Julio Delgado.
如需高棉语服务,请预约Serey Vann.